We have endeavored to faithfully serve the Merrill community, in the preaching of God's word and administration of His sacraments, for over 140 years. It is our prayer that we may continue to glorify the Lord in our worship and service of others.
We offer Bible studies almost every day of the week, at a variety of times. We have a place for you.
Our congregation strives to meet the needs of our own members, those within the community and into the world in a variety of ways. We invite you to see what we're up to!
We are blessed to offer Preschool through 8th grade classes within the Merrill community. In addition to our core curriculum, Math, English, Science and Social Studies, we provide a Lutheran school education for all ages.
St. John Lutheran School emphasizes Safety, Others, Academics, and Respect/Responsibility (SOAR) in our daily interactions with each other. Building a strong school, building a strong community!
Please fill out the following online inquiry: https://app.sycamoreschool.com/public_inquiry.php?schoolid=3282
or contact 715-536-7264 or schooloffice@stjohnmerrill.org for more information on enrolling your child at St. John Lutheran School.